Category Archives: Opinion

Opinion –

Kiosk Industry is the news engine for the Kiosk Manufacturer Association or KMA which is a global, cause-based, not-for-profit organization focused on better self-service for customers and employees through kiosks and information technology (IT). Kiosk Industry Association leads efforts to optimize self-service engagements and engagement outcomes using information technology such as kiosks.

The Kiosk Industry Group acts as the professional news and marketing website for the kiosk and self-service industry. We are funded by those companies for the benefit of developers, resources and client companies interested in self-service, kiosks, thin or internet terminals and POS systems. News about the industry and by the industry that is relevant to companies looking to utilize self-service, and companies which assist in doing just that (hardware, software and application).

Opinion – The Self Service Kiosk Surge

The self-service kiosk surge: step forward OEMs Zebra April 2020 – The coronavirus is having a devastating financial impact across the globe. However, for OEMs building kiosks there may be a ray of light; through providing communities and companies with kiosk facilities to allow people to make transactions without any human contact. While many businesses are suffering financially… Read More »

Fast Food Kiosks Creating Jobs and Increasing Revenues – Counterpoint

Fast Food Kiosks killing jobs? Current events beg the question, but the facts say otherwise Reprinted with permission Dec. 12, 2016 | by Elliot Maras We at the Kiosk Industry Association have seen the news media running controversial headlines and opinion pieces by CEOs and ex-CEOs decrying the minimum wage increase and attributing loss of jobs to self-order.… Read More »

Temperature Kiosk Commentary

Opinion – the state of temperature kiosks and the wide range of specs and solutions and claims that exist in the marketplace. As government and corporate America develop post-COVID-19 action plans for responsibly reopening the country, some businesses are scrambling to keep up with the demand for thermal cameras, which many believe can help identify novel coronavirus cases… Read More »

Opinion – Digital Is Experience, Not Technology

Digital experiences shouldn’t be about technology, they need to be about the experience itself By Neil Farr, Managing Director, Acquire Digital –  and the article is republished with permission from Kiosk Solutions Magazine It’s hard to believe but when I started my working life in 1991 for an A/V company, it was ground-breaking that we moved from a… Read More »

Mobile apps are a necessity rather than a luxury

Mobile apps are a necessity rather than a luxury June 13, 2014 Sometimes, you just have a technology moment. I was using the Open Table app on my smartphone recently to check wait times at local restaurants when the technology moment struck. This tiny device in my hand fascinated me – it connected me to the entire world with… Read More »

Industry Shift – the evolution of Self-Service

New opportunities continue to alter the kiosk industry landscape. By Laura Miller, Marketing Director KioWare Reprinted with permission from Kiosk Solutions magazine Issue #1. Introduction Interactive kiosks are not a new concept. In fact, companies have been deploying them for more than 35 years. Kiosks have long been a tool used primarily by large organisations with multiple locations,… Read More »

Kiosk News — Opinion – The Coming Tech Backlash

Forget foreign scapegoats. Tech innovation is what’s killing jobs. And the revolt after Trump will resemble the real Luddite movement. The tech industry played an influential role in the outcome of the US Presidential election. Not just in providing the medium for fake news and propaganda. The root cause is job destruction by automation , which drove a base… Read More »