Technology is coming to town — though it won’t be home for Christmas — for Cleveland Utilities customers who like the idea of paying their monthly bills at any time day or night, and any …
Source: clevelandbanner.com
Kiosk liability remains with the machine’s owner; in this case, U.S. Payments Transaction Management Systems. By contract agreement, CU does not assume liability.
In answer to questions by Cleveland Mayor Tom Rowland, who represents the City Council on the utility governing body, Stinnett said CU’s drive-through business is determined by the day of the week and the time of the month.
He said some 100 CU customers used the drop box during the Thanksgiving holidays. By comparison, 11,000 utility payments were made online or by telephone over the same holiday period.
“We’re finding our customers want to be involved in the technology side,” Stinnett said. “The friendlier we make it for them, the easier we make it … the more accepting they are.”
Bart Borden, vice president of CU’s Electric Division, said TVA reports about a 6 to 7 percent energy savings among those power distributors that use a prepay system.