McDonalds Kiosk – Great Falls Montana Video
Self-serve kiosks are making their debut in the fast food industry! The recently renovated 10th Ave. McDonald’s here in Great Falls has just added self-serving kiosks to their menu. Instead of 3 places to order, there are now 8 in the newly designed restaurant.
In an effort to offer a better guest experience, McDonald’s is allowing their customers to have the opportunity of ordering everything themselves.
The staff that was once stuck behind the counter, are now making the experience more personable by helping out on the floor.
For many, the new service is great!
The good news is that these self-serving kiosks won’t be taking jobs away from the fast food industry any time soon. In fact, they’ve created some!
The new kiosks have allowed the opportunity for labor to be directed elsewhere, such as in the kitchen or helping customers on the floor.
One of these new positions is known as GEL, or Guest Experience Lead. This position is designed to help customers understand the new kiosk and order process.
It’s also important to note the new self-serving kiosks are just an option You can still order your meal the traditional way or through the drive-thru.
Overall these kiosks have drastically helped with efficiency and customer interaction.
Craig Keefner That may be McDonald specific. Paneras process was to first upgrade the kitchens to ensure the higher order level would be met. I haven’t seen anything from McDonalds on expanded kitchen throughput. The kiosks though are desired particularly at the “burst” point so that when the counters are busy, you can still order quickly. Obviously they have some work to do but they may see it as a good problem. Thanks Eunice!
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Eunice Coughlin Just wanted to share our recent experience with kiosks in McDonald’s. We were at a McDonald’s in Waco, TX on Easter weekend (Sunday) and people were using the kiosks. The problem was that there were not enough kitchen staff to fulfill the orders that were coming in from the kiosks and the regular order takers. People were waiting a good 10-15 minutes for their food. Hopefully, these kinks will be worked out soon. Maybe a solution: disable the kiosks when there’s not enough kitchen staff?