Outdoor Drive-thru Menuboards at McDonalds – Reverse Case Study –

By | October 30, 2020
McDonalds Drive-Thru Menu Board Failures

McDonald’s Drive-Thru Outdoor LCD Failures

Worth noting the noting of this isotropic screen failure at McDonalds Drive-Thru in California (Sep2020).  Further investigation points to a Samsung OH55F, which given the specifications, is surprising. Our guess is the vendor supplying these is Coates and we have sent a query to them asking about this.

August 2022 Update

January 31 Update

January 21  Update

  • We have been unable to get additional information from Samsung, Coates or McDonalds regarding these failures.
  • It is confirmed these are Samsung OH55F lcds
    • Retail cost for these “Outdoor Displays” is about $10K each.
    • The specs list IP56, 2500 NITs and 5000:1 contrast ratio, media player is a Cortex A12, 24×7 rated, 3-Year Parts & Labor
    • Interesting whitepaper by Samsung with the OH55F and the Economic Impact of Menuboards
  • The big reason for failure begins with lack of airflow.
  • Lack of airflow in the design of the metal menu board as well as lack of cleaning the filters (yes there are air filters and yes they need to be on the maintenance cycle)
  • Another point is that technically this is NOT isotropic failure — An isotropic failure is reversible when the LCD is cooled. The failure shown in the photo is permanent and irreparable.
  • We have an in-depth explanation of all this available as well.
  • Companies that can and should be consulted on outdoor displays include Peerless-AV and LG-MRI

Other McDonalds Kiosk related links

Author: Staff Writer

Craig Keefner -- With over 40 years in the industry and technology, Craig is widely considered to be an expert in the field. Major early career kiosk projects include Verizon Bill Pay kiosk and hundreds of others. Craig helped start kioskmarketplace and formed the KMA. Note the point of view here is not necessarily the stance of the Kiosk Association or kma.global