Small towns across the country are rapidly realizing that interactive digital solutions, namely digital kiosks, have the capabilities to serve as the answer to many of the aforementioned questions, among others.
Source: meridiankiosks.com
Picture this: your company has an out of town meeting, your child has a sports tournament, or your family plans a weekend getaway. As a result, you find yourself in a bustling small town you’ve never before visited. The downtown area is filled with shops and restaurants, but you aren’t quite sure what to do or where to start, and you’re overflowing with questions. Which restaurants are kid-friendly? What do their menus look like? Which direction is the store your friend told you to check out? Is there a local park?
The predicament you’re facing when you arrive in this unfamiliar small town is one that towns across the country are constantly considering—once visitors arrive, will they be able to easily get around? If so, will they be able to find something they’re interested in, be willing to explore, and support local restaurants and businesses?
In an effort to address some of these questions, cities and towns both large and small have begun exploring and investing in interactive digital solutions. You may have heard the term ‘smart cities’ used to describe those implementing interactive technology throughout their cities. Though typically not to the same scale as major cities, small towns across the country are rapidly realizing that interactive digital solutions, namely digital kiosks, have the capabilities to serve as the answer to many of the aforementioned questions, among others.
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