Sustainable Self-Service – Eco-Friendly Kiosks – Zero Carbon Footprint

By | January 7, 2022
sustainable self-service

Editors Note – the feature image shows the founder of Olea Kiosks back in 2008. Sorghum kiosk for IBM Anyplace.

Zero Carbon Footprint, Green Kiosks, Fitness and Health Kiosks

We note developments in the green environmentally sensitive area.  Many companies are adopting a more eco-friendly branding stance and using social mechanisms to inform users on their initiatives towards a more eco-friendly and healthy experience for users.  Green technology is nothing new and health-concious kiosks are available in a myriad of functions from measuring to blood press, hospital check-in, medicine disposal and more. Pharmacies are experimenting with dispensing prescriptions.


  • Carbon footprint — we now have zero carbon footprint McDonalds restaurants. Who’s next?
  • Corporate Social Responsibility or CSR
    • What’s Behind the New Urgency Driving Sustainability Initiatives? – Link
  • Energy efficiency which is represented by smaller and smaller microclients and thin clients such as raspberry PI
  • Wellness kiosks that perform a multitude of checks which include blood pressure kiosks
  • Check-in kiosks for healthcare
  • Fitness self-service — some examples might be performing a certain number of aerobic exercises in return for vending voucher, or it could be pedaling on a kiosk inside a McDonalds while you eat your quarter pounder with cheese watching the digital signage news.
  • Self-service technology leveraging recycled materials, or assisting with recycling
  • EV charging for electric vehicles – a nice case study with pictures of Kohls, Now we have PEVs.

Consumer  and DisplayTechnology

Here is some news we think is notable

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Some History of Green Kiosks

  • Experimental “green” kiosk back in 2008 with IBM when they wanted to show off the IBM Anyplace and its low power consumption. It had gotten some sort of approval at the time that was unique. Olea made the enclosure from a Sorghum board. Some group was trying to repurpose the stalks from Sorghum into a board material so it wouldn’t go to waste. It looked neat but smelled like rotten hay bales. We ended up coating it in a lacquer of some sort to seal it off because of the smell.

Author: Staff Writer

Craig Keefner is the editor and author for Kiosk Association and kiosk industry. With over 30 years in the industry and experience in large and small kiosk solutions, Craig is widely considered to be an expert in the field. Major kiosk projects for him include Verizon Bill Pay kiosk and hundreds of others.